Thursday, December 08, 2005

A Walk in Ancient Rome : A Vivid Journey Back in Time

by John T. Cullen

"What would it be like to return to Ancient Rome and discover what things were really like? A Walk in Ancient Rome is a fascinating journey that takes you back to a world so similar to ours, and yet totally different. A place where people asked the same questions about life, careers, current events, and gossiped much like we do today. A Walk in Ancient Rome contains a narrative so rich that you can almost smell the fresh leather of harnesses, of flowers, perfumes, and baked goods; the sounds of the clatter of hooves on stone, the chatter of gossip and business transactions, and so much more. A Walk in Ancient Rome reveals the daily life in a unique way that puts you on the streets of Ancient Rome, in its shops and neighborhoods, in its forums and Colesium, on its boats and barges, and so much more!"

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